The Weekly Shonen Jump 36/37 combined issue (Shueisha) released today, August 8, features a new reading of Osamu Akimoto’s “Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen Mae Hashutsujo”.
In October 2021, the first new issue in about five years will be released, and “Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen-mae Hashutsujo” appeared in Jump for the first time in about a year this time. In the new episode “Life is a Game! the members of the new Katsushika Police Station will try out an outdoor fitness game invented by Ryosan.
In addition, this issue commemorates the release of “ONE PIECE FILM RED,” a movie based on Eiichiro Oda’s novel, as well as a dialogue between Oda and Gosho Aoyama of “Detective Conan” that was published in Weekly Shonen Jump and Weekly Shonen Sunday (Shogakukan).
The stickers, featuring a collaboration illustration of “ONE PIECE” and “Detective Conan,” are enclosed in the package.
The pamphlet of “ONE PIECE FILM RED” and part of the interview with Oda about the movie, which also appeared in Vol. 15 of the mook “ONE PIECE magazine” also released today, are also included.
I’m going to buy it at a convenience store.