Kei Komuro (31), who married Mako (30), the eldest daughter of the Akishinomiya family, last year, has passed the New York State bar exam in the USA. The state’s bar exam board announced the list of successful applicants on its official website on 21 January. The list also includes Mr Komuro’s name as “KOMURO, KEI”.
Mr Komuro had taken the exam twice before but failed, and in July he took it for the third time and passed with “third time’s the charm”.

Mr Komuro married Ms Mako a year ago, on 26 October 2021. It was an unusual marriage in that the lump-sum payment made to a member of the Imperial Family upon marriage was declined and no ceremony was held. Shortly after the marriage, it was discovered that Ms Komuro had failed her first exam and they left Japan in November to live in New York. Mr Komuro was under a great deal of pressure and continued to work as a legal assistant at a local law firm while trying to pass the bar exam. His passing of the exam on that day marked the W anniversaries of Mako’s 31st birthday on 23 March and their first wedding anniversary on 26 March.
On 21 January, Hiroyuki Nishimura (45), aka Hiroyuki, a businessman and founder of the internet noticeboard 2channel, updated his Twitter account to congratulate Mr Komuro. He quoted from an article in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun’s electronic edition, which reported that “Kei Komuro has passed the New York State Bar exam”, and posted: “I believed she would do well!” he posted. The comment section was also in a celebratory mood.
If Mr Komuro is successful in passing the bar exam and is hired as a lawyer, his annual income for the first year is estimated to be more than approximately 20 million yen. This is an amount that would be worth a very first-class lawyer in Japan.