Hiroyuki Today: ‘400 million yen in savings’ but still poor: ‘I don’t buy canned juice’ and ‘I don’t spend 50,000 yen a month’

Hiroyuki Today

Hiroyuki, the founder of “2channel”, talked about his savings on the 29 September broadcast of “Talkies” (Fuji TV).

 Chinatsu Wakatsuki and 3 o’clock heroine Maki Fukuda went to see Hiroyuki, who lives in Paris, France, for a crash interview. When asked by Fukuda, “What do you earn money for?” Hiroyuki replied, “It’s not that I want to earn money. I don’t want to spend it.

 When Wakatsuki asked, “How much money do you have in savings?” Hiroyuki replied, “Four or so”, to which Wakatsuki replied, “Four hundred million yen?” Wakatsuki nodded in agreement. Wakatsuki was surprised at Hiroyuki’s easy answer about the surprising amount of money she had saved, and asked if she looked down on people.

 However, Hiroyuki said, “I have been poor since I was a child. I still don’t buy canned juice.” She also said that she doesn’t spend more than 50,000 yen a month.

 Various opinions were written on social networking sites about the amount of money Hiroyuki has saved.

Hiroyuki’s savings is said to be 400 million yen. Yet, “I’m poor and don’t want to spend it, so I spend about 50,000 a month”. Good. If his reluctance to spend is the same as mine, then I’ll try to save 400 million too”.

‘Hiroyuki revealed on the same programme that he had ‘only been in two relationships (so far)’ and commented that ‘I cried when I was dumped.’

 Eight years ago, he married Yuka, a web director, and moved to Paris at her request. At home, his wife told him that he speaks in ‘space language’, and Hiroyuki said: ‘If I speak properly, I get into trouble. ‘You can get into trouble even if you say either “yes” or “no”‘,’ he said in his theory.

Therefore, he revealed that ‘I answer with a vague “hmm”‘, to which Wakatsuki replied: ‘That’s the most annoying thing!’ ‘ (Entertainment writer).

 It is only Hiroyuki who can answer any question without hesitation.

Hiroyuki Today

いいね または フォローしてね!

竹 慎一郎


