Namco Bandai Amusement will release a prize figure “ONE PIECE FILM RED” DXF Posing Figure – SHANKS” from August 5.
This product is a posing figure of Shanks, a major character from the movie “ONE PIECE FILM RED” scheduled to be released on August 6. The figure faithfully reproduces Shanks’ features, such as his imposing pose despite the absence of his left arm, and the scars on his face.

The “ONE PIECE FILM RED” DXF Posing Figure ~SHANKS~ will be available at the company’s amusement facility “namco” and online crane mall “Torumo”.
In addition, a “Namco Limited Original RED Sticker” campaign will be held when you insert a “ONE PIECE FILM RED” movie ticket stub or 500 yen into a target crane game machine.