Joker-wearing, knife-wielding… how to prevent copycat crimes?

Joker killer Japan

On the 31st of last month, an incident occurred on board the Keio Line.

The suspect, who has been arrested, said he was inspired by the film and previous incidents.

The stabbing took place at around 8pm on the 31st of last month in a running Keio Line car.

The suspect is believed to have stabbed the 72-year-old man in the chest with a knife, then spread some kind of oil inside the car and set it on fire.

Immediately after the incident, responding police officers arrested 24-year-old Kyota Hattori, who was in the car, on suspicion of attempted murder.

One person is in a critical state of unconsciousness and 16 others were injured on the running train.

According to investigators and others, the suspect Hattori has stated his motive. Kyota Hattori: “I wanted to kill someone and get the death penalty, I thought if I killed two people I would get the death penalty”

Furthermore, the reason why he committed the crime on the train… Kyota Hattori: “I targeted an express train where passengers couldn’t escape, referring to the Odakyu Line incident in August”

In August, a stabbing incident occurred on the Odakyu Line. It was also on a running train that Yusuke Tsushima injured 10 passengers and tried to set them on fire.

Such copycat crimes have been committed in the past.

In March, a fire broke out in a multi-tenant building in Tokushima.

A man in his 30s was arrested on suspicion of arson after he broke into a building where an event was taking place, poured petrol on it and set it alight.

The suspect is said to have “mimicked”… In 2019, 36 people died in the Kyoto animation arson murder case.

According to the police, the man has stated that he “imitated” the Kyoto Animation case.

In response to these “copycat crimes”, Twitter said… “In the event that you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Joker killer Japan

いいね または フォローしてね!

竹 慎一郎


