English– category –
Sega’s new RPG “Shin Chronicle” has exceeded 150,000 pre-registrations. The reward is decided by Twitter vote.
SEGA announced that the number of pre-registrations for "Shin Chronicle", a new RPG for Android/iOS currently under development, has exceeded 150,000. With over 150,000 pre-registrations, players will receive up to 700 gold and 70 gems... -
拝啓 尾崎俊介 様 本来ならば手書きで先生へお手紙しなければ失礼とは思いますが、このご時世、本の中でも尾崎先生が、須山先生へお手紙をワープロで書かれていることと同じ理由で、便利なパソコンのワープロにて失礼させて下さい。 尾崎先生の略歴を拝...