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Hiroyuki Today: explains why “Don’t put #HikaruOhta on TV” trended on live TV… “It’s a long story to begin with.”
TBS's "Sunday Japon" (Sundays at 9:54 a.m.) aired a live report on Sunday, March 18 about the former Unification Church of Japan. The program reported that "#Don't show Hikaru Ota on TV" started trending on SNS in response to comments ma... -
Hiroyuki Today: Order to Dissolve Former Unification Church “Should be Issued,” but “First We Need to Understand the Actual Situation” and “We Need to Establish Evidence First
Hiroyuki Nishimura, 45, a businessman and founder of "2channel," appeared live on TBS "Sunday Japon" (Sunday 9:54). He discussed whether or not the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (former Unification Church) should be o...