life– category –
マスクを取らない日本人。岸田首相は国葬の時、外国の要人との会見ではマスクを外していました。 マスクは外では外そうとCMが流れています。ほとんどの日本人はマスクを手放しはしません。 若い人はマスクを外して抗体が出来るということが日本で理解して... -
Hiroyuki Today: ‘Okinawans have a dialect that includes two subjects and so on…’ What are pundits’ views?
Hiroyuki Nishimura, founder of the internet noticeboard "2channel", who is involved in protests against the construction of the new Henoko airbase, said on his YouTube channel on 7 August that Okinawans "have dialects, and many of them d...