shinbamboo– Author –
Special 33% off sale on Dragon Quest IV: The Last Airbender for smartphones
SQUARE ENIX will hold a special sale of RPG "DRAGON QUEST IV: THE GUIDED ONES" for Android/iOS, which is available on AppStore, GooglePlay and Amazon App Store, from today, August 6 to August 9. The discount price is 1,220 yen (including... -
Japan’s Prime Minister Suga’s “blunder” at the Peace Memorial Ceremony… “Skipping words” is trending… “Hiroshima City” was misspelled as “Hiromashi” and “Atomic Bomb” “Genbaku” was misspelled as “Genpatsu”.
Japan's Prime Minister Suga made the mistake of skipping over his speech at the Peace Memorial Ceremony held in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park on August 6, the day of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and the word "skip reading" became the...