“Shin Ultraman,” a film planned and written by Hideaki Anno depicting the new birth and battle of a national tokusatsu hero, drew 2.62 million viewers and earned 3.9 billion yen in box office revenue during the 42 days from May 13 to June 23, its first day of release.
To commemorate this blockbuster hit, a 10 minutes and 33 seconds clip of the beginning of the film will be shown on Toho MOVIE Channel for 48 hours only, from 8:00 p.m. on June 24 to 7:59 p.m. on June 26.
The first part of the film begins with the “pre-history,” which was released for a limited time to commemorate the 1.5 million viewer milestone and received an astonishing 1.3 million views in 48 hours. The film shows the “origin” of the Ultraman series. The title logo at the beginning of the film, which pays homage to the “origin” of the Ultraman series, is also noteworthy.
In addition, as a big hit appreciation project, paper crafts of “Shin Ultraman” and “Ultraman” vater capsules have been developed. From today, the “Shin Ultraman” version is available for free download on the official movie website, and both “Shin Ultraman” and “Ultraman” versions are available for free download on TSUBURAYA IMAGINATION.