「ゼロ・クリック」のiPhone用スパイウェアの対策を急ぐApple 「BBC NEWS 速報」

iPhone スパイウェア

Apple の製品は、日本では高価ですが大人気です。

2021年9月半ば〜10月半ばにはAppleから新しいiPhone(iPhone 13?)が発表されるというニュースが飛び込んできて、Apple 信者は気が気ではないと思いますが、今回のBBC NEWS 速報は、スパイウェアへの対処の記事です。



Apple rushes to block ‘zero-click’ iPhone spyware

Apple rushes to block ‘zero-click’ iPhone spyware – BBC News

Apple rushes to block ‘zero-click’ iPhone spyware

Apple has issued a software patch to block so-called “zero-click” spyware that could infect iPhones and iPads.

Independent researchers identified the flaw, which lets hackers access devices through the iMessage service even if users do not click on a link or file.

The problem affects all of the technology giant’s operating systems, the researchers said.

Apple said it issued the security update in response to a “maliciously crafted” PDF file.

University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, which first highlighted the issue, had previously found evidence of zero-click spyware, but “this is the first one where the exploit has been captured so we can find out how it works,” said researcher Bill Marczak.

The researchers said that the previously unknown vulnerability affected all major Apple devices, including iPhones, Macs and Apple Watches.

Citizen Lab also said the security issue was exploited to plant spyware on a Saudi activist’s iPhone, adding that it had high confidence that the Israeli hacker-for-hire firm, NSO Group, was behind that attack.

In a statement to the Reuters news agency, NSO did not confirm or deny that it was behind the spyware, saying only that it would “continue to provide intelligence and law enforcement agencies around the world with life-saving technologies to fight terror and crime”.

Security experts have said that although the discovery is significant, most users of Apple devices should not be overly concerned as such attacks are usually highly targeted.

Apple said in a blog post that it had issued the iOS 14.8 and iPadOS 14.8 software patches after it became aware of a report that the flaw “may have been actively exploited”.

The announcement came as the technology giant prepared to unveil new devices at its annual launch event on Tuesday.

The company is expected to reveal new iPhones and updates to its AirPods and Apple Watch.






この問題を最初に取り上げたトロント大学のシチズン・ラボは、これまでにもゼロクリック・スパイウェアの証拠を発見していましたが、研究者のBill Marczak氏は、「今回は、どのように機能するかを調べることができるように、エクスプロイトが捕捉された初めてのケースだ」と述べています。

研究者によると、これまで知られていなかったこの脆弱性は、iPhone、Mac、Apple Watchなど、すべての主要なAppleデバイスに影響を与えるとのことです。




Apple社はブログで、この欠陥が「積極的に悪用されている可能性がある」という報告を受けたため、iOS 14.8およびiPadOS 14.8のソフトウェア・パッチを発行したと述べています。


同社は、新しいiPhoneや、「AirPods」および「Apple Watch」のアップデートを公開する予定です。(拙訳)

iPhone スパイウェア

いいね または フォローしてね!

竹 慎一郎


