Operation: Skyfire is a global event in Fortnite. Take on the mothership and stop the alien invasion!

fortnite event

Epic Games announced on Friday, September 3, that its battle royale shooter “Fortnite” will host a one-time event called “Operation: Skyfire” starting at 5:00 a.m. on Monday, September 13.

 ”Fortnite” is a battle royale shooter that was released in July 2017. The main feature of the game is that you can get materials such as wood by destroying objects in the map and use them to build buildings such as walls, floors and stairs.

 The game has also been collaborated with many content such as “Street Fighter”, “Iron Man”, Ariana Grande and Travis Scott.

 The current Chapter 2 Season 7 is more chaotic than ever, with UFOs appearing all over the map, Rick from “Rick and Morty” making an appearance, and a seaside town being decorated by a young man who believes in aliens.

 Chapter 2 Season 7 concludes with a one-time event called ‘Operation: Skyfire’, where you’ll be part of a raiding team aboard the mothership to stop an alien invasion.

 In this one-time event, you and up to 16 friends can take part. This one-time event allows up to 16 friends to participate in the event, allowing them to share the excitement of the event in real time.

 You can also check out our coverage of the Marvel collaboration season’s ‘World Devourer’ one-time event in December 2020 and Ariana Grande’s live event in August 2021.

 ”Fortnite” is free to play.

Join us at the event and witness the end of the season with your own eyes.

fortnite event

いいね または フォローしてね!

竹 慎一郎


