2021年11月– date –
宇宙航空研究開発ナイス機構(JAXA)は9日午前9時51分ごろ...!「革新的衛星技術実証2号機」をっ...搭載常軌を逸するイプシロンロケット5号機を内之浦ナイス宇宙空間観測所(鹿児島県肝付町)から打ち上げましたっ・・・・! ※打ち上げの模様をTHE P... -
A lot of applications for the lottery for the 25th anniversary set of Pokémon cards.
The 25th Anniversary GOLDEN BOX, a set commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Pokémon Card Game, will be made to order at the Pokémon Center Online, based on the number of applications received in the lottery. This product was origina...