セカオワ Fukase君の「世界の終わり」の始まりの言葉。Habit を聞きながら。

セカオワ habit

「世界の終わり」から、SEKAI NO OWARI に名前を変えてメジャーデビューしたのは、2011年。



深瀬くんが、10代の後半危機的な状態にあったのは有名な話であるが、このtwitter の文を読んでもその時の彼を想像することはなかなか出来ないことである。







時折見せる遠くをぼんやり見つめる目はそのことを物語っていると思う。twitter からの文を英語に訳してみたので、世界にも彼の音楽が届くことを願うばかりである。

When I was in the “fukase protection room,” a room where I was required to dribble feces and urine in front of the surveillance cameras, the hardest thing for me was that there was no clock.

I didn’t know how many days I was locked in there. I didn’t know if the sky I woke up to was a sunrise or a sunset. I was afraid that each day would lead to another day of no progress.

I remember being convinced that I had dropped out of society when I sank to the floor after a burly doctor took off my pants and gave me a muscle anesthetic in the buttocks.

To my teenage self, that was the beginning of what felt like the “end of the world” struggle.

Many years have passed since then, and today I have been a musician for 10 years.

There was a time when I would go on stage and try to support people in similar circumstances.

Of course, there were hard times and sad times.

But that was different from those scary times. The 10 years that I was able to look forward were truly like a sparkling time.

The members, the staff, and of course, the fans. I would also like to thank all the fans at this time.

Thank you for liking us and our music.

We would like to make the 10th anniversary and after that we can be thankful that someone likes us.

Thank you.
And thank you for your continued support.

Satoshi Fukase

(translated by me)


bad habit をダンスで表現し、それをPOPに乗り越えようとする話題の新曲である。

セカオワ habit

いいね または フォローしてね!

竹 慎一郎


