今日はCNN に大阪なおみ選手が、Netfilx に登場、シリーズ化されるというニュースを見つけましたのでご紹介します。
予告編が公開され、なおみ選手はその中で、What am I if I’m not a good tennis player? と話しているそうです。
Netflix でのドキュメンタリー番組は世界中で話題に上ることでしょう。
Netflix launches trailer for new documentary series on Naomi Osaka
Naomi Osaka: Netflix launches trailer for new documentary series on tennis superstar – CNN
The video streaming service launched the first look at its new sport title on Tuesday, focused on the life of the four-time grand slam champion and her struggles with being catapulted into the public eye.’Naomi Osaka,’ personally narrated by the tennis star, looks back at the 23-year-old’s upbringing and how her 2018 US Open win turned her into an “overnight superstar.”
“The series is about Naomi’s journey, within a snapshot of her life,” director Garrett Bradley, whose film ‘Time’ was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, said in a press release.
“But it’s also about life’s purpose, about personal worth, about the courage that it takes to allow one’s personal values to inform their work and vice versa.
“More than anything, I’d hope people can feel the power of empathy and to feel encouraged to take chances in life, perhaps especially in moments where the stakes can feel impossibly high.”
Osaka will make her return to competitive tennis at the Olympic Games in Tokyo after withdrawing from the French Open, citing mental health reasons.
She later announced she had also withdrawn from this year’s Wimbledon.
The Japanese world No. 2 revealed she had “suffered long bouts of depression” since winning her first grand slam title in 2018.
“I feel like the platform that I have right now is something that I used to take for granted, and for me I feel like I should be using it for something,” she said in a press release for the new series.
“I believe, instead of following, you have to make your own path.”
The three-part documentary will air on July 16th.

大坂なおみは、テニススターが自らナレーションを担当し、23歳の少女の生い立ちや、2018年の全米オープンでの優勝が彼女を “一夜のスーパースター “に変えた経緯を振り返ります。