Joc の幹部が6月10日、電車にはねられてなくなりました。遺書が残されていないため、事故と自殺との両面で捜査が進んでいると思われます。亡くなったのはJOC経理部長(52)です。もしも自殺であるとすると、何かの不正を抱えたまま亡くなられたのかもしれません。JOCの山下泰裕会長(64)は、「事実と違う、歪曲して書かれている」と述べていますが、ただの事故死だとは到底思えません。日本では実名報道は現在なされていませんが、Newsweek は実名報道を行っています。これも闇に葬られてしまうのでしょうか?
Newsweek からの記事を見つけましたのでご紹介します。
Japanese Olympic Official Dies After Jumping in Front of Train Ahead of Games
Japanese Olympic Official Dies After Jumping in Front of Train Ahead of Games (
A senior Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) official died after jumping in front of a train just over a month before the opening ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Police is investigating the death of Yasushi Moriya, which it’s treating as an apparent suicide, according to private Japanese broadcaster Nippon Television.
The incident took place at about 9:30 a.m. local time on Monday morning (8:30 p.m. ET on Sunday) at Nakanobu Station on the Toei Asakusa Line in Tokyo’s Shinagawa Ward, the broadcaster reported, citing police sources.
Moriya’s death comes just over a month before Tokyo is scheduled to hold the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on July 23, exactly a year on from when the Games were scheduled to begin.
The 52-year-old, who was the director of the JOC’s accounting department, is alleged to have stepped off the platform in front of the train and was identified from his ID card. Emergency services took him to a nearby hospital, where he was pronounced dead a few hours later.
