English– category –
英語のクイズ 頭の体操。英語でちょっと息抜きしてみましょう!
問1: What has four legs and a back but no body? Chair back は「背もたれ」のことです。 問2: How many months have 28 days? 12か月、ひっかけです。 問3: What colors would you paint the sun and the wind? ... -
The gap in Japanese values in “Ochoyan”. Japanese who don’t understand the play.
The morning drama series "Ochoyan" on NHK, Japan's national broadcaster, came to an end on May 14 with its final episode. "Ochoyan" is a story about the life of a comedic actress, Chieko Naniwa, set against the backdrop of the pre-war an...