literature– category –
動物は人間と同じ言語を持つとは考えられない。 オウムが飼い主の口癖を真似て話すのは見たり聞いたことがあるが、 人間の言語と動物の言語が同じだとは到底考えにくい。 動物にも言語は存在するとは思う。 しかし、人間と動物が人間の話す言語を使ってコ... -
Goodbye, the world of zero. It’s a world where majority rules don’t apply.
It's the rainy season and it's June. It has not rained and the weather has been fine. We don't go out, I don't feel like doing anything. Time flies. The politicians sift through their rights. The facts change day by day. It doesn't matte...