2022年– date –
Hiroyuki Today: ‘With 6.3 trillion yen, Japan would have a better economy’ the Bank of Japan’s intervention in buying the yen.
Hiroyuki Nishimura, 45, a businessman and founder of 2chan, updated his Twitter account on 1 January. He developed a theory about the government and the Bank of Japan's intervention in buying the yen. Citing news that the Ministry of F... -
Hiroyuki Today: My personal view on the “largest ever JPY 6.3 trillion-yen intervention”.
Hiroyuki Nishimura (45), aka Hiroyuki, an entrepreneur and founder of the internet noticeboard "2channel", updated his Twitter account on the 1st. He quoted from a YouTube news video distributed by Teletext BIZ on 31 March, titled "Yen b...