
“I am a wizard, and one day, I learned of a beautiful princess ball that was going to be held. There, I met Cinderella, a lovely woman who I heard was being mistreated by her ugly stepsisters and was unable to wear a beautiful dress.
To help her, I used magic. With my magical powers, she was able to wear a beautiful dress and glass shoes, and she obtained the beauty of a princess.
However, I imposed a condition on her. She had to return home by midnight. The magic I used would wear off after midnight, ensuring that the magic did not last forever, as she had used it excessively.
She was able to behave beautifully and as a princess. The prince was also captivated by her, and they promised to marry. But on the day of the promise, she disappeared.
I knew she had been beautiful with the power of magic, but I was disappointed that she had broken the promise and run away. However, I gave her a blessing, hoping that she would find true happiness.
And, she married the prince and lived happily ever after. I used magic to give her the best gift.”