フランス人がone piece film red の映画を見て、映画館の中で大騒ぎをしているのをtwitter で知ったのであるが、日本では若者たちは既に日本に愛想をつかし、自民党の支持率が20代で多いのも気になる所である。
Japan is a mysterious country. Former Prime Minister Abe was assassinated, and the suspect was a member of a cult called the Unification Church.
The ruling party of the government is involved in this religion, and it has been shown that the Japanese government has had close ties with this cult for more than 70 years since the end of the war. It is clear that large sums of money have come and gone.
Former Prime Minister Abe is given a state funeral. More than half of the Japanese people oppose this state funeral, but the voice of the people is not heard by Prime Minister Kishida.
The original cost of the funeral was announced to be 250 million yen, but this cost does not include security and other expenses, which are said to be more than 10 times higher than the original cost.
The LDP won a landslide victory in the recent Upper House election, and the majority of the people are comfortable in this inflationary, overpriced country. The fact that the ruling party, the LDP, is so strong is evidence of the growing economic disparity in Japan. The gap between the rich and the common people is expected to widen further, but all that is reported on the surface are the cries of the common people. More than half of Japan’s population is not bothered by the weakening yen, rising prices, or reduced pensions.
Therefore, the LDP is giving trillions of yen in foreign aid to foreign countries, and is spending less on defense than South Korea, and is about to increase the amount of defense spending.
Japan is the only country in the world to have been hit by two atomic bombs, but perhaps it is time for Japan to be willing to fight under the auspices of the United States.
The number of coronas will not decrease. It seems as if everyone in Japan must wear a mask when going out. The Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare (MHLW) has even announced that coronas are just a common cold. I was surprised to hear that the number of people infected with corona is no longer even reported in the United Kingdom. After the heat wave of August this year, September has come and gone, and signs of autumn are gradually appearing, but for how much longer will we have to wear masks?
There is an unaccounted-for sum of 16 trillion dollars related to coronas, but it is not even reported. Perhaps the current situation is that they are forced to buy a large amount of vaccines from the U.S. and are having a hard time dealing with the situation.
How did the Japanese people become such an obedient people?
I learned via twitter that French people are making a big fuss in movie theaters after watching the one piece film red. In Japan, young people have already given up on Japan, and it is worrisome that the LDP has a high approval rating among those in their 20s.
Japan is no longer a developed country. The best Japanese young people will probably leave Japan for other countries.
Farewell, Japan.
No one seems to believe that a cult was behind the postwar recovery.